ENEDEX would like to inform the public that it successfully launched its MVP on Polkadot Moonbeam Parachain testnet yesterday.
ENEDEX MVP is available at https://dex.enedex.org.
ENEDEX Minimum Viable product encompasses an automatic DEX including swap and liquidity pool creation functionality. Furthermore, it illustrates creation and trading of synthetic energy assets, such as tokenized kilowatt hours (kWh) of power.
Thanks to the ENEDEX MVP households and business are now able to buy power coming from verifiable renewable sources, including but not limited to*:
- Solar Panels (SOLAR Polkadot Moonbeam token)
- Wind Farms (WIND token)
- Biomass Power Plants (BIOMASS token
- Bio fuel (ethanol — CORN token)
- Hydrogen (HYDROGEN token)
*all ENEDEX MVP tokens are Polkadot Moonbeam testnet tokens.
All the power can be purchased directly by the consumers directly from producers without a need of intermediaries, such as energy utilities. ENEDEX MVP introduces a new paradigm in energy trading worldwide. New energy enabled use cases are going to proliferate with the development of ENEDEX from MVP towards a fully functional decentralized exchange for energy derivatives and synthetic energy assets (DEX).
In order to be able to use ENEDEX MVP, users have to install a versatile Metamask wallet in their Firefox or Chrome desktop OS browser (this is what ENEDEX team recommends for seamless user experience).
After installing Metamask, users need to write to Erik at erikvom@enedex.org with their ERC20 address from Metamask. Erik will then send a couple of kWh of renewable energy tokens for users to trade on ENEDEX MVP.
After having received energy synthetic assets from Erik, users are able to trade them by connecting their Metamask on Enedex MVP (Please note that users must select Moonbeam Testnet Network in their Metamask).
To connect MetaMask to Moonbeam, navigate to Settings -> Networks -> Add Network. This is where you can configure which network you would like MetaMask to connect to, using the following network configurations:
Moonbase Alpha TestNet:
Network Name: Moonbase Alpha
New RPC URL: https://rpc.testnet.moonbeam.network
ChainID: 1287
Symbol (Optional): GLMR
Please add the ENEDEX synthetics energy assets into your Metamask (Moonbeam Testnet) by manually copying the addresses from this list:
An alternative way to use ENEDEX MVP DEX is to get GLMR test tokens directly from Moonbeam Discord following: https://docs.moonbeam.network/networks/testnet/
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